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  • Writer's pictureHealing Biotope Community Portugal

Winter 2022-23 on the land

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

The start of the Winter was with Marc, Juli and the four children. Here is Ellis enjoying the abundance of water from the spring now that the rain has come again:

Golden hour before sun set :

Playing with the lambs from the neighbour who was grazing his sheep and goats on our flood plain:

Once the rains started coming heavily in December, the family moved to a rented house and Hari stayed on the land in his yurt and observed the dramatic flooding of the river. The high floods happened two or three times and lasted 3-4 days each time:

I enjoyed being on the land alone after having so many people coming and going in the Autumn. I took the time to hibernate and enjoy walking on the land and surrounding areas and picking turkey tail mushrooms, which I drank as a tea everyday and stayed healthy with no colds all winter. I did a lot of reflection and processing of the Autumn and started working on this website, now that I had more clarity about the project and how I would like to attract people to join as cofounders.

I had two dogs who decided to come live with me for the winter and sleep in the kitchen. At first I didn't want to feed them and hoped they had other people to live with, but they stayed and so I started feeding them. They later brought a third dog with them, but then stopped coming once it started getting warmer at the end of February. Partly they were annoying, partly it was nice to see them happy and have their company. They taught me something about patience, compassion, making boundaries and protecting my food better!

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