Continuing with a group after the Gathering, plus other visitors. Making the Foundation wall and the roof. Delivery of straw bales. Starting the pallet walls.
Adding the second half of the first of three long beams. The short beams go on top of the long beams.
We finished the stone layer of the foundation walls, adding stones between the foot-stones of each post.
The second layer is earth bags, tied with string to the correct width to match the stone wall.
We built this tripod ladder to access the roof overhang
The roof beams finished and covered with a temporary plastic sheet, ready to store the straw bales.
Receiving the order of straw bales.
Storing the straw.
Starting to make the roof, using plywood pallets we got for free :)
The finished roof! and starting to add the pallets between the posts, for the walls.
Roof covered with a new plastic, ready for the green roof soil. Starting to fill the pallet walls with straw.